Friday, January 16, 2009

Daddy to the rescue!

Last night Ema had a temper tantrum (raise your hand if you are surprised)because I was unloading the dishwasher and she was not getting my full attention. I do not respond to that kind of behavior so she rarely does this. Last night was different. She screamed at me wanting me to hold her for about 5 minutes. Her face would get all red and she was stomping her foot at me. The more I ignored her the louder she screamed. I could have sworn Ms pat next door could hear her. I ended up spatting her bottom and putting her in the chair. (timeout) She screamed and screamed. Kirk came in and saved her. He sat in time out with her and rocked for about 10 seconds and this is what happened! Too cute once it was over! ( notice the bottom lip)


Life As We Know IT said...

Ha! girls are a mess.......

Shawna said...

Oh, my goodness! She is TOO cute!!

Jan said...

Emily...I have been keeping up with you on the blog and I have been so touched by your story. She is a beautiful child and the luckiest little girl to have you guys as parents. I always look forward to getting on and seeing whats the pouty face!

Cynthia said...

Ha! So cute!

Kendra said...

Daddy's are such suckers!