As most of you already know the last few months the Richardson home has been a little crazy to say the least. I started my new job and so far it has been great. I left for my dreaded 3 week training in Nashville at the beginning of September and I just completed it. OK so where my life completely turned upside down was last Friday. This is how it went. I get done in Nashville and I'm on my way home. Kirk worked from home that day and I wanted to be in Covington in time to pick Ema up from school. I walk in the door around 1:00 and Kirk's phone rang. It's Jeanna - the lady that had been helping us with our adoption process. She called to tell us that "our baby" was born Friday September 23rd around 7:30 am. Kirk and I stood in the living room looking at each other in shock. She continues to tell us that we could come to Oklahoma anytime to see her but she would not be able to be discharged for 7-10 days because she was a premie weighing in at 4 pounds and 15 ounces. Oh the questions that were running through my mind.
1. I have a new job that I haven't even finished training for- How will they feel about it?
2. I am no where near ready to bring a baby home.
3. I have NOTHING for a baby.
I had to begin to prioritize. First I had to finish my training. I only had one more week and that could not be put off so we enjoyed our last weekend as the Richardson 3 and got the ball rolling on our home study. While in Nashville I registered at Babies R Us and did a lot of praying! I came home on Friday, we completed our final touches on our home study, had a baby shower, and packed (again). Saturday we left for Oklahoma for another adventure that God had perfectly planned out for us. We arrived at the airport around 4:30 pm and our life was forever changed at approximately 5:15 pm when we met Andi Grace Richardson.

When we held her for the first time we both were overcome with emotion. She was so tiny. I don't think I had ever held anything so small. She was 4 pounds and 15 ounces of pure joy!