Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Can someone help me find my baby girl!

Today while I was off with Ema, I could not help but notice how much she is growing. Where did my baby go? She use to be the child that was totally dependent on us and that could barely speak English. Now she is a VERY independent little girl with a type A personality and who constantly tells me "I do it myself". She runs around here singing, cheering, and dancing and always makes me laugh even when I don't need to because she is being aggravating. She finds is easy to tell us "NO" but somehow cannot remember the meaning of NO when we say it to her. She is a never ending bundle of energy and I cannot remember nor do I want to remember my life before her.
I took these pictures today. As usual, she was wanting more Cadbury eggs after I told her no, so she gave me this look. She has been doing this a lot and has learned that it is too cute.


Amy said...

Precious Emily! I feel ya though! Mills changes every day and it seems as if he's always doing something new.

Candi said...

I know exactly what you mean. My oldest will start kindergarden in the fall. They grow so fast and they are so much fun!

Laura Dawson said...

it just keeps going by faster...enjoy each day....yeah, I am actually searching for a copy of "the strong willed child" myself to seek some advice...we have one too!

Kaikoura said...

Wow! Great job summing up the age in your description of Ema. I feel your pain and joy. Hope all is well!